Yes we do replications/reproductions. Replications are simply us remaking a dress you have seen before. Maybe you can’t find where your dream dress is for sale or maybe it is no longer for sale but you have seen photos. Maybe you’ve seen your dream dress in a store but is out of price range or budget? Good news, we can replicate the dress from photos you submit to us.
Understand that when we replicate a dress that we are not the original designer and the look of the dress may slightly vary. Dress replications will look approximately 90% or greater to the photo/design that is ultimately approved. Understand that even the same dress will look different on different people because of the shape and size of the individuals.
We may not be able to do some replications. Some materials and patterns are nearly impossible to duplicate. Please contact us to see if we can replicate the dress you want.
Keep in mind certain materials come in and out of stock. Fabrics and materials that were once available yesterday may not be available today. We might have to substitute one material with another similar type of material.
Very often a couture bridal gown will have a couture price tag. There are many reasons why a garment can cost so much, but there are also many ways to creatively get the cost down and still have it look amazing and resemble the original. For example, instead of producing a bridal gown in all silk, we could use a similar alternative material and it would cost a fraction of the price! If your dream dress cost more than you want to spend, email us a picture of it and we will send you our best and lowest estimate of what it would cost to recreate that garment for you. Many times, we can create that dress at a fraction of the price it would cost with other vendors.
All replication dresses will require a deposit. When the dress is completed and it resembles the photo or description you submitted, you are expected to purchase the dress or you may loose your deposit.